By embracing the ESG principles, the Mokate Group companies are able to plan strategically with a long-term perspective, focusing on sustainability, which means addressing environmental, social and governance aspects.
– Adam Mokrysz, PhD, CEO Mokate Group

Ours is a socially responsible business.
The Mokate Group has been present in the lives of both local community members and inhabitants of other regions of Poland for many years.
We actively support measures and initiatives for children and young adults within the scope of charity activities, the development of culture, education and sports. We also help the poor, and feed the needy. In 2019 we started cooperation with the Silesian Food Bank. In this manner we are able to feed about 50,000 people in need living in the Silesia Region.

We actively support academic centres by cooperating with the University of Economics in Katowice, Silesian University of Technology and University of Silesia. We organise intern and trainee programmes. The best graduates are employed at the Mokate Group.
Mokate regularly co-organises chess tournaments and championships in line with the slogan: “Mokate makes you think.” Our company is also a partner of the Polish Chess Association. We have also created the Mokate Chess Academy and support the project of the Polish Chess Association entitled “Education through Chess in School.”
We also care for the natural environment. Apart from the development of good internal policy on environmental protection, we try to thoroughly introduce the principles of sustainable development to key organisational procedures, such as customer services, the development of new products and investment policy.